Barry Wallenstein

Barry Wallenstein

Bibliographie :

Roller Coaster Kid, T.Y. Crowell, 1982.
Beast Is A Wolf With Brown Fire, BOA Editions, 1977.
Visions ans Revidions : An Approach to Poetry, T.Y. Crowell, 1971.
Years of Protest : A Collection of American Writtings of The 1930's, Pegasus, 1967.
Poetry in Performance, Vols. 1-12, 1973-1984, The City College.

Discographie :

Beast Is, AK-BA Records, + 1020, poetry with music, 1978.
Taking Off, AK-BA Records, + 1040, poetry with music, 1982.

écouter :

For Charles Tyler

Cahiers du Refuge :

interventions au cipM :

Poésie / Jazz (Manifestations)