Peter Manson

Peter Manson

Peter Manson (1969) vit à Glasgow (Ecosse) et co-dirige les éditions Object Permanence. Il est l’auteur de Birth Windows aux éditions Barque, et a publié dans plusieurs collectifs, dont Writers Forum, AND, Generator, Mirage # 4, Parataxis, South Fields, Terrible work. Publication de trois livres cette année, un travail en prose : Adjunct: an Undigest (Edinburgh Review), et un CD audio extrait du livre (Stem Recordings), un livre de poème : For the Good of Liars (poèmes, Barque Press), une traduction de Mallarmé : Before and After Mallarmé (traductions et adaptations de Stéphane Mallarmé), (The Gig/daemon press).

écouter :

Between Cup and Lip

extrait : The Punished Clown
(d’après Le pitre châtié, de Stéphane Mallarmé)
extrait de "Before and after Mallarmé", ed. Survivors' Press, 2005.

Eyes, lakes with my simple yen to be reborn
other than as the ham whose gesture conjured up
in a plume the filthy arc-lamps‚ soot,
I have torn a window in the canvas wall.

A traitor, limpid swimmer, arm and leg
repeat their strokes, repudiating no-good
Hamlet! It is as if I punched out of the wave
a thousand tombs to dive into, a virgin.

Hilarious gold of the cymbal beaten as by fists,
at once the sunlight strikes the nudity
that breathes out purely from my pearly freshness,

rancid night of the skin when you passed over me,
not knowing, ingrate! that my crowning glory
was greasepaint, drowned in deceit by glacial waters.

Cahiers du Refuge :

interventions au cipM :

Poésie anglaise contemporaine (Manifestations)

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Peter Manson