Ellen Zweig

Ellen Zweig

Vit à New-York. Réalise de nombreuses installations et performances.

écouter :

He Studied Maps

Bibliographie :

Textes de performances :
The Movement Toward, Richard Kostelanetz, William Morrow, 1980.
Fear of Dining and Dining Conversation, High Performance, 1981.
Long Time No See, Assembling 12, 1985.
Trade Routes, Moving Letters 7, 1985.
The Act of Watching, Unsound, Vol. 2, n°2, 1985.
Impression of Africa : Variations for Raymond Roussel, Part IV, The Play, e.g. press, 1986.
Mapping..., Posing for Photographs, Drukwerk De Zaak 37, 1988.

Textes critiques :
The Poetry Reading : A Contemporary Compendium of Language and Performance, Momo's Press, 1981.
Jackson Maclow, The Limit of Formalism, Poetic Today, Vol. 3, n°3, 1982.
Feminism and Formalism, Poetics Journal n°4, 1984.
Suspicious Language, The Act, Vol. 1, n°1, 1986.
The Missing Context, Exposure, Vol. 26, n° 2/3, 1988.

Cahiers du Refuge :

interventions au cipM :

Australie - USA : 4 poètes (Manifestations)