Voici les r�sultats 1 � 7 de votre recherche pour "Schwerner Armand" (7 r�sultats au total)
Dernière mise à jour du catalogue : f�vrier 2014

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George Oppen, Of Being Numerous, New Directions, 1969. imprimé
George Oppen, Collected Poems, New Directions, 1975. imprimé
Armand Schwerner, Seaweed, Black Sparrow, 1969. imprimé
Armand Schwerner, The Tablets I-XV, Grossman Publishers, 1971. imprimé
Armand Schwerner, Bacchae sonnets, Abattoir Editions / Cummington Press, 1974. imprimé
Armand Schwerner, This Practice, Permanent Press, 1976. imprimé
Armand Schwerner, Sounds of the River Naranjana&The Tablets I-XXIV, Station Hill Press, 1983. imprimé

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