Voici les r�sultats 1 � 21 de votre recherche pour "Levertov Denise" (21 r�sultats au total)
Dernière mise à jour du catalogue : f�vrier 2014

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Denise Levertov, Poèmes, Actes Sud, 1989. imprimé
Robert Duncan, Derivations, Fulcrum Press, 1968. imprimé
Denise Levertov, La forme organique, L'Atelier des Brisants (col. Comme), 2002. imprimé
Ezra Pound, A.B.C. de la lecture, L'Herne, 1966. imprimé
Denise Levertov, Un jour commence, Les cahiers des brisants, 1988. imprimé
Cid Corman, Livingdying, New Directions, 1970. imprimé
Robert Duncan, Ground work II, New Directions, 1987. imprimé
Denise Levertov, Footprints, New Directions, 1972. imprimé
Denise Levertov, O Taste and See, New Directions, 1964. imprimé
Denise Levertov, Relearning the Alphabet, New Directions, 1970. imprimé
Denise Levertov, The Jacob's Ladder, New Directions, 1961. imprimé
Denise Levertov, The Poet in the World, New Directions, 1973. imprimé
Denise Levertov, The Sorrow Dance, New Directions, 1966. imprimé
Denise Levertov, To Stay Alive, New Directions, 1971. imprimé
Denise Levertov, With Eyes at the Back of Our Heads, New Directions, 1959. imprimé
Carl Rakosi, Amulet, New Directions, 1967. imprimé
Charles Reznikoff, By the Waters of Manhattan, New Directions, 1962. imprimé
Denise Levertov, The Freeing of the Dust, New Directions, 1975. imprimé
Robert Duncan, Ground work II, New Directions , 1987. imprimé
Collectif, Penguin Modern Poets 9, Penguin (col. Modern Poets), 1967. imprimé
David Ignatow, Poems 1934-1969, Wesleyan University Press, 1970. imprimé

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