Voici les r�sultats 1 � 17 de votre recherche pour "Rexroth Kenneth" (17 r�sultats au total)
Dernière mise à jour du catalogue : f�vrier 2014

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John Ashbery, Rivers and Mountains, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. imprimé
Robert Bly, The teeth mother naked at last, City Lights Books, 1970. imprimé
Collectif, Penguin Modern Poets 9, Penguin (col. Modern Poets), 1967. imprimé
William Everson, The residual years, New Directions, 1968. imprimé
Denise Levertov, The Jacob's Ladder, New Directions, 1961. imprimé
David Meltzer, Tens, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973. imprimé
Kenneth Patchen, Collected Poems, New Directions, 1968. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, One Hundred Poems from the Japanese, New Directions, 1964. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, Sky Sea Birds Trees Earth House Beats Flowers, Unicorn Press, 1973. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, The Collected Longer Poems, New Directions, 1968. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, The Collected Shorter Poems, New Directions, 1966. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, Les constellations d'hiver, La Brèche, 1999. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, L'automne en Californie, Fédérop, 2010. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, American Poetry in the Twentieth Century, Herder and Herder, 1971. imprimé
Kenneth Rexroth, Les poèmes d'amour de Marichiko, Eres, 2016. imprimé
Jerome Rothenberg, The Lorca Variations, New Directions, 1993. imprimé
Nathaniel Tarn, Seeing America First, Coffee House Press, 1989. imprimé

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