Voici les r�sultats 1 � 12 de votre recherche pour "Berrigan Ted" (12 r�sultats au total)
Dernière mise à jour du catalogue : f�vrier 2014

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Ted Berrigan, A certain slant of sunlight, O Books, 1988. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, Clear the range, Adventures in Poetry / Coach House South, 1977. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, In the early morning rain, Cape Goliard Press / Grossman Publishers, 1970. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, Les sonnets, Joca Seria, 2013. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, Many Happy Returns, Corinth Books, 1969. imprimé
Anselm Hollo, Maya, Cape Golliard Press, 1970. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, Nothing for you, Angel Hair Books, 1977. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, Red Wagon, The Yellow Press, 1976. imprimé
Anselm Holo, Sojourner Microcosms, Blue Wind Press, 1977. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, The Collected Poems, University of California Press / Grossman Publishers, 2005. imprimé
Frank O'Hara, The End of the Far West, 1974. imprimé
Ted Berrigan, Train Ride, Vehicle Editions, 1971. imprimé

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