Voici les r�sultats 1 � 9 de votre recherche pour "Blackburn Paul" (9 r�sultats au total)
Dernière mise à jour du catalogue : f�vrier 2014

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Paul Blackburn, Early selected y mas, Black Sparrow, 1972. imprimé
Paul Blackburn, Halfway down the cast, Mulch Press, 1975. imprimé
Paul Blackburn, In. On. Or about the premises, Cape Golliard Press, 1968. imprimé
Paul Blackburn, Peire Vidal, Mulch Press, 1972. imprimé
Anonyme, Poem of the Cid, American R.D.M. Corporation, 1966. imprimé
Robert Vas Dias, Speech Acts & Happenings, Bobbs Merril Compagnyl, 1972. imprimé
Paul Blackburn, The Cities, Grove Press, 1967. imprimé
Paul Blackburn, The journals, Black Sparrow, 1975. imprimé
Paul Blackburn, Three dreams and an old poem, Allen DeLoach (col. The Beau Fleuve Series), 1970. imprimé

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